Mentorship & Leadership Development Offerings
Cerros Consulting’s Mentorship & Leadership Development focuses on asking the big questions: Who am I? What am I to do with my one wild and precious life? These offerings use nature as a guide to help you discover more of who you are and your place in this world. By incorporating a deeper look at nature and life cycles, community connection, and introspection, Cerros Consulting aims to support you in discovering the answers to these big questions. Offerings include groups, retreats, individual mentoring/coaching, and customizable packages.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
Leadership and Self-Discovery GRoups
Seasonal groups are starting up again! There are three 5 week sessions a year, each meeting is 1.5 hours and explore topics that support participants through self-guided practices that enhance their inner knowing and elevate their initiative. Groups are facilitated to create connection and insight, involving 4 primary components: Self reflection, peak experiences, authentic relationships, and community and nature connection. Open to teens & young adults 15-23 years of age.
Autumn Session: Understanding Yourself and the World Around You Solo time in nature can help us grow a deeper understanding our ourselves and the world around us. This session explores all parts of self through intentional practices of self-reflection. We will engage nature as a mirror for our thoughts and experiences of how we meet transitions throughout life. This session centers on:
What are my gifts and how to to share them with my community?
How do I live a present and mindful life?
How to I best respond to life’s changes?
Spring Session: Leadership Development Discover what you know is your path, integrating all parts of yourself to become the best leader you can possibly become. Through a deep exploration of the Hero’s Journey, participants will create self-directed initiatives to explore their purpose in the world, they will build social capital and explore what is it to be a global citizen. This session centers on:
What is your work in the world?
How do we meet the world’s most pressing issues?
What breaks your heart?
Summer Session: Community Building through Playfulness Who says that when you grow up you can’t still have fun? Lots of fun! This session is about building community through interactive experiences based on the groups interests and calling. Participants will develop core routines to use in their daily lives while accessing a child-like wonder about the world and each other. This is a time of asking questions nurture self-sufficiency, elicit curiosity and promote the development of awareness and creativity.
Commitment of 5 weeks, 10 total sessions, all session occur outdoors. $550/person.
Click here to sign up or get more details about the group sessions.
RITe of Passage Retreats
Retreats expand these practice and provide a deeper, more revelatory experience. Participants can enroll individually or as a team. Nature is used as a tool to further develop understand and engagement.
Leadership Initiation/Rites of Passage: The 14 day Leadership Initiation/Rite of Passage retreat is an offering for those who feel that something is off, a great transition is coming, or there is a calling to do something you are uncertain about. The Leadership Initiation/Rite of Passage offering helps individuals navigate uncertainty toward purpose and knowing. $1500/person
Transportation, camping equipment, and meals are not included in the cost, packing list will be provided when signing up. These services require 4 participants to run and the maximum capacity is 10. Please let us know if you are interested!
One-on-One MeNtorship/Coaching
One-on-one coaching and mentoring is an option for a more personalized and individualized approach. Clients will meet one-on-one with a highly qualified couch and mentor to explore what is important to them and discover how to develop into becoming a leader in their lives and in their community. Session occur in nature or in community settings. Some possible areas of exploration include: Lineage, personal goals and developing resources for personal growth and ongoing support.
Individual mentorship/coaching sessions: $120/hour, we recommend a commitment to 10 sessions to begin, at a discount of $1000. Payment is possible here.
Please connect to schedule if you are interested in this service.
THe PLan: Cerros Instititue/Cerros Año (PEak Year)
The plan is for Cerros Consulting to evolve into a Gap Year program for adolescence, between high school and college (or whatever may be next for them). This is a year of:
Reflection and Inquiry Practices
Leadership Development Projects
Global Citizenship through Cultural Studies & Travel
Meaningful Growth Experiences
Learn more from this presentation on the program and vision. The hope is to launch this program by Fall 2028.